A far better alternative is here!

We must STOP

buying products

"Made in China"

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Please take 2 minutes and 20 seconds to watch this video with Chas Carter and my good friend Alan Pariser and then submit the email form on the left, and we will explain this incredible resource to you!

Make sure that you are prepared. You need access to essential items that are made in the U.S.A., non-toxic, supply-chain proof, manufactured by a company with a track record that you can rely on, door delivered and less expensive than what you are paying at the big box stores.

At the The Patriot Party News, we are TruthSeekers!

Our listeners and followers know that at the ThePatriotPartyNews.com we are TruthSeekers! As you know from our reporting, the world we live in is filled systems and organizations that are changing the country we love. These nefarious characters are trying to remove our freedoms and our ability to properly care for ourselves and our loved ones. Inflation is out of control, supply chains are still constrained, and the government keeps flooding our economy with more dollars, which will most likely only make things worse. Access to food, water, and essential items that everyone needs is a serious concern. But there are viable solutions, and we want to share them with you.

There are companies and individuals who have built resources that are independent of the globalists. They share our values of country, liberty, safety, and prosperity. They are mission driven and they want to help us to stay free, happy, healthy, and live a life filled with abundance.

When you shop for your necessities from your local store or online, most of what you purchase (whether you are aware or not) is filled with toxic chemicals and made overseas. Your brand loyalty to those products has most probably compromised your health and your accessibility to what you need is in their control. Your every purchase funds their agenda. Lockdowns are fresh in our memory. When the next one comes you do not want to be stuck trying to get what you need at your local store where the shelves will probably be barren.

Most of what you purchase is filled with toxic chemicals and made overseas.